Mayonnaise is a creamy sauce to be eaten cold. With regard to its origins there are differing opinions: those who attribute it to the Spaniards of Menorca of the Punic times and those who attribute it to the French in the 1600s.
It is a stable emulsion of oil, with egg yolk as an emulsifier, flavored with vinegar or lemon juice.
Mayonnaise is a sauce with which you can season summer dishes like rice or winter salads like Russian salad. It is an excellent seasoning for boiled fish.
Then, from the mayonnaise, various other sauces are added such as: the tuna sauce, the pink sauce, the aioli sauce, the tartar sauce.
When I was young, mayonnaise was made by hand and with the addition of olive oil. Times change and now I do it at home with an immersion mixer and a seed oil that makes it more neutral and less heavy.

Mayonnaise sauce

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Ingredients for 4 oz of mayonnaise
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 670 gr or 2 1/2 oz of pasteurized egg yolks
  • 300 gr or 1 1/4 cup of corn seed oil
  • 1 tablespoon of warm white wine vinegar
  • Half lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Add all of the ingredients into the immersion mixer: first the egg yolks and then the vinegar and the oil.
  3. Blend with the immersion mixer leaving the blender head at the bottom until the mayonnaise is mounted.
  4. At that point, you can move the mixer head up. Add the lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • The ingredients must be at room temperature
  • Use only pasteurized eggs to avoid salmonellosis
  • In order not to make mayonnaise crazy, the volume of the egg must go over the mixer head
  • If you want a lighter mayonnaise, you can use a whole egg instead of the three yolks
  • Mayonnaise can be flavored in various ways: with grated orange peel and ginger, with the juice of passion fruit instead of lemon, with a pinch of wasabi, with a teaspoon of soy sauce. Moreover, if you prefer with a more marked taste, you can use half seed oil and half extra virgin olive oil.