The writer Oscar Wild wrote: “I hate people who take meals lightly.” Surely, he would have liked my family: we have always taken food very seriously!

From both my maternal and paternal side, I have gourmands for relatives. My grandmothers were both good cooks and my mother is in fact an exegete of good food.

There is no memory from my childhood that is not associated with Lucullian meals or long culinary preparations. I still remember perfectly the kitchens of my grandmothers: the smells that emanated from the stove, the pots of ceramics and copper that are no longer used, the taste of ancient dishes and a bit heavy, portions of dishes worthy of Obelix and above all the conviviality around the table during the long preparations, in which we were all involved.

Moments that cannot be forgotten by my memory and which I would like to share. That’s why I wanted to collect the recipes of grandmothers, great-aunts, aunts, parents, and friends in this digital recipe book.

I recommend reading the recipe a couple of times to understand the timing and procedures before getting started.

I always measure in grams all the ingredients before cooking because I started cooking cakes and in pastry-baking discipline and precision are really important. I converted all the measurement, but if you prefer you can always try to give a rough estimate of every ingredient.

Welcome and enjoy your meal.