The fresh spring peas are of an incredible sweetness.
This dish, thanks to the presence of prosciutto, is also savory. A dish of absolute simplicity.

Stewed Peas

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Ingredients for 6 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 700 gr or 1 lb. 8 oz of fresh shelled peas
  • 1 white onion
  • 110 gr or 4 oz of prosciutto
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Vegetable broth to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Cut the onion into julienne strips and the ham into strips.
  3. Wash the peas well.
  4. In a saucepan with the oil stew the onion over a low heat for a few minutes and then add the prosciutto in strips.
  5. After a few minutes, add the peas and leave them to flavor for a few minutes.
  6. Add a cup of vegetable broth and cook for about half an hour over a low heat, adding more broth if necessary.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • The onion is generally stewed when the oil is still warm. It must remain clear and translucent so as not to lose digestibility. The flame should be low.
  • Never cover the pan in which the vegetables are being cooked as otherwise they will become yellowish.