Granny Irene was a little partial in showing affection to her grandchildren. I’m sure she loved everyone, but she openly showed her predilection for the male cousin with the right last name.
As a child I suffered very much and in revenge I said to her: “Grandma Violetta is the one that knows how to cook well!” To offend her and even a little mortify her. But when she made me this rice for supper, I could not say that sentence anymore because I loved it madly.
When I feel blue, I make it for myself because it comforts me.

Granny Irene's Milk Rice

  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Ingredients for 4 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 450 gr or 1 lb. of Arborio rice
  • 960 ml or 4 cups of whole milk
  • 720 gr or 3 cups of water
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter to taste
  • Grated Parmesan cheese to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. In a non-stick pan boil the milk with the water.
  3. At first boil, add the rice and cook it, stirring occasionally.
  4. Season with salt and, when cooked, add a knob of butter and the grated Parmesan cheese.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • It should not become too dry but be slightly more liquid than an average risotto. If the mixture dries too much, you can add some more hot water.
  • Often, I add to the compound some advanced mozzarella finely chopped that spins and melts wonderfully.

Granny Irene was the one who taught me how to draw. She was a painter