During a trip in the countryside of Piacenza, I wanted to visit Verdi’s villa in S. Agata.
The ticket office was closed and only reopened after lunch. So, we looked for a restaurant to spend some time in. We ended up in a magical place, “Trattoria La Verdiana”: full of delicious dishes, photographs and prints of the Verdi Maestro, and furniture loaned to the set of the “1900” Bertolucci’ movie. Plus I met the owner who introduced me to a trattoria, which closed 40 years ago, the first to have a Michelin star in Italy… the legendary Trattoria Cantarelli.
How nice to meet people who are passionate about their work and generous with strangers!

Zabaione with amaretti biscuits

  • Preparation time: 20X minutes
  • Ingredients for 4 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 4 yolks (I 5 yolks)
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 oz (110 grams) of amaretti biscuits
  • 9 oz (250 grams) of whipping cream
  • 7 tbsp (100 ml) of Strega liqueur
  1. Instructions
  2. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar in a steel saucepan. Continue whipping the cream in a bain-marie for about ten minutes, adding the Strega.
  3. Meanwhile, coarsely chop the amaretti and mix them with the still-hot zabaglione.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it cool in a bowl filled with ice water, whisking constantly.
  5. Whip the cream in a cold bowl. Add it to the zabaglione.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours before serving.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • The bain-marie is a cooking process done in a container which is not in direct contact with the fire but immersed in water kept at the desired temperature; in this case, a saucepan full of water.
  •  The water of the Zabaglione water bath must never reach a boil so it does not drive the cream crazy.
  • To whip the cream without turning it into butter, a trick is to use a bowl previously left in the freezer for an hour.