Years ago, I bought a recipe book from a well-known pastry chef from Campania: Sal de Risio. One of the recipes was about a tart with a very particular fruit compote. I tried the recipe andimmediately fell in love with this jam that brings the Amalfi Coast to your plate.
I readjusted the recipe a little bit to make it conservable.

Jam of apples and lemons

  • Preparation time: 360 minutes+ 12 hours rest + 1 hour sterilization
  • Ingredients for 2 lbs of Jam
  • Difficulty: Difficult recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 1 kg or 2 lb 4 oz of apples Annurca
  • 3 peeled lemons in vivo
  • 700 gr or 1 lb 8 oz of sugar
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash and dry the apples well. Peel and cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel lemons, removing the white part and all the seeds.
  4. Put the fruit in a large saucepan with the sugar and let it macerate for an hour.
  5. Put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Leave everything to boil for about three minutes and then turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  6. Pour the mixture into a ceramic or glass bowl, cover with parchment paper, and leave to rest in the fridge until the next day.
  7. The jars and caps are sterilized the next day. Put them in the oven, set the temperature to 240°F degrees and leave them there for an hour. Turn off the oven and start cooking the jam.
  8. Bring the fruit to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally for twenty minutes or at least up to 221°F. To check if the jam is ready without the presence of the thermometer take a teaspoon of mixture and drop it on a saucer, blow it over, and try turning the saucerover. If the mixturegoes down too quickly, the jam should still cook, if instead it slowly slips, the jam is ready.
  9. Pour the still boiling jam into sterilized jars. Close the cans with the cap, turn them upside down, and let them cool completely.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • I recommend using a ceramic bowl and refrigerating it only when the mixture is at room temperature.
  • I always try to sterilize them even after. I do it in boiling water. You put the jars in a pot. Fill the potwith water that must exceed 1 31⁄32 in the cap of the jars and then puton the fire. As soon as it boils, it takes about twenty minutes for the 8 oz jar and thirty minutes for the 20 oz jars. All the jarsshould be left inside the water until it is completely cooled. The jarsshould go under vacuum as soon as the water cools. Jarsthat have not been vacuumed must be consumed immediately and cannot be placed in the pantry.