This recipe has been donated, and it is a real gift from a member of a Facebook group. Thanks Filomena!
They are sublime even if very sweet.
I often need to dispose of billions of egg whites after making the Panettone over Christmas or Colomba in Easter and making these cookies.
My Uncle Sandro was crazy about these, andeven my mother loves them so much that I avoid bringing them since they are quickly gone in one afternoon.

Almond sweets

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes + 12 hours resting
  • Ingredients for 6 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 450 gr or 1 lb. of almond flour
  • 450 gr or 1 lb. of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 4 egg whites
  • For decoration:
  • Candied cherries or almonds
  1. Instructions
  2. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients.
  3. Place the dough in a sac a poche with a 0 15⁄32 inch knurled sip.
  4. On a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, form the biscuits and decorate them in the center or with half candied cherry or almonds.
  5. Leave to stand at room temperature for twelve hours.
  6. Bake in a hotoven at 320° F for about eight minutes.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • Resting them at room temperature for twelve hours is important to make them lose moisture/humidity inside.
  • Cookies should not darken too much, so it is better to check them in the oven from time to time. Eight minutes is an indicative time that is valid for my oven.