Reviewing all the notes of family sweets and cakes, my mother remembered a cake from her childhood made by her paternal aunt, Ada. We could not find the recipe anywhere, so I called Susanna, her daughter, to ask for enlightenment. It was nice to talk with her and remember the recipes of my maternal grandfather’s family and the flavors of the past.

Aunt Ada's apple pie

  • Preparation time: 90 minutes
  • Ingredients for a baking tin with a diameter of 7 7/8 inch
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 900 gr or 2 lbs of red delicious apples
  • 1 egg
  • 110 gr or 4 oz of pastry flour
  • 110 gr or 4 oz of sugar
  • 1 glass or 6 oz of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • Butter and breadcrumbs to taste
  • Icing sugar and cinnamon to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash and peel the apples. Divide the apples into wedges and then cut them into very thin slices.
  3. In a bowl, mix the egg with the sugar, add the sifted flour and baking powder. Add the milk and keep stirring.
  4. Place the apple wedges in this batter and mix them gently so as not to break them.
  5. In a cake tin buttered and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, insert the mixture.
  6. Bake in a hot oven at 320° F for about an hour.
  7. When the cake is cold, dust the surface with icing sugar and cinnamon.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • Use delicious apples and Renetta apples. I often use this combination of the two to have a slightly sourer cake.
  • The mixture is very liquid, similar to a batter, and that’s right. Once cooked it will be compact and soft.

 from right: Aunt Ada with her mother Anna, her daughter Susanna and her husband during a summer vacation in Manziana