An easy side dish for preparation. Mom always made this during the winter to everyone’s delight.

Red radish walnut and pears salad

  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Ingredients for 6 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 700 gr or 1 lb. of red radish salad
  • 1 Kaiser pear
  • 1 orange
  • 50 gr or 2 oz of nuts
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash the red radish. Cut it into thin strips and let it soak for two hours in ice water with a tablespoon of sugar added.
  3. Wash the pear well, peel it, and cut it into cubes.
  4. Drain and dry the salad well.
  5. Squeeze the orange and mix the juice with the oil, salt, pepper, and some balsamic vinegar.
  6. In a large bowl, season the radicchio salad with the sauce. Then, add the walnuts and the diced pear and serve.