Romanesco broccoli is of touching beauty in its geometric perfection.
Every Roman loves broccoli, especially when it’s seasoned with a savory fish like anchovy. However, I wonder why it is that we define a clumsy person in Italy as “broccolo”!

Broccoli Roman-style

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Ingredients for 4-6 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 2 lb or 1 kg of Roman broccoli
  • 3 anchovies in oil
  • 1 clove of poached garlic
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash the broccoli well. Clean it by separating the florets and wash again if necessary.
  3. Boil a pot of water. When it reaches temperature, salt it and boil the broccoli tops for a few minutes while the water simmers.
  4. Drain them while they are still crunchy.
  5. In a pan with oil, add a clove of poached garlic, anchovies, and Roman broccoli to cook over a high flame for a few minutes.
  6. Season with salt and pepper before serving.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • The broccoli head obviously must not be discarded. I usually boil it with the florets and then blend it with the mixer, together with pecorino, oil, and almonds, to make a pesto with which I season the pasta.
  • It would be advisable to insert the larger tops into the boiling water first and the smaller ones after a few minutes.
  • It’s preferable, for those who have a steamer, to steam the broccoli tops.
  • The traditional recipe involves anchovies in salt beaten together with garlic. However, I prefer to use anchovies in oil because: a) they are always present in my pantry and b) they have a controlled flavor. I also use poached garlic because it is more digestible.