A gift from my great-aunt’s recipe book is this coffee liqueur, which is very easy to prepare and delicious to taste.
During Covid quarantine I drank a small glass every night; this allowed me to sleep peacefully, but I had an enlarged waist for the summer!

Aunt Lina's coffee liqueur

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Ingredients for 1 US quart
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • For the syrup:
  • 400 g of water
  • 350 g sugar
  • For the coffee:
  • 60 g coffee
  • 400 g of water
  • For the liqueur:
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 250 g alcohol 90%
  1. Instructions
  2. Prepare a syrup by mixing the sugar with the water in a saucepan until it’s completely dissolved. Bring to a gentle boil and then turn off the heat and let it cool.
  3. Prepare an espresso.
  4. Pour the espresso into the syrup together with the vanilla bean. Wait for everything to cool down.
  5. Add the alcohol and bottle after filtering the liqueur with a strainer covered with sterile gauze.
  6. Leave it in a dry and dark place for at least a month before consuming it.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • The syrup should not be cooked for too long because the water will evaporate and become too sweet.
  • It is necessary to cut the vanilla bean with a very sharp knife, starting from one end and arriving at the other. With the tip of the knife, spread the pod a little and scrape the pulp along the entire length of the vanilla pod.
  • This liqueur is sweet; if you want, you can reduce the amount of sugar. The only very important thing is to use very good-quality coffee.

 Aunt Lina with her daughters and nieces