I copied this recipe from the menu of a Sicilian restaurant in Rome. It’s one of the family’s favorite restaurants because it’s located in the neighborhood where my parents live, the food is great, everyone is nice, and mom can digest even the most seasoned dish.
Since we discovered how to make it, this recipe has been proposed again and again to the delight of all, almost without interruption in both winter and in spring.
One of the advantages of this recipe is that it can be made even if you’re on a diet because it requires very little oil.

Artichokes and chard

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Ingredients for 4 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 4 artichokes
  • 500 g or 1 lb of chard
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash the chard really well.
  3. Wash and clean the artichokes. Trim each artichoke by snapping off and discarding the tough outer green leaves until you’re left with a small bullet-shaped artichoke with pale yellow leaves that are green at the tips
  4. Peel the stems, eliminating all the external fibers.
  5. As soon as the artichoke and stem are cleaned, drop them in cold water and lemon juice to avoid oxidation.
  6. Cut the artichokes in half lengthwise; scoop out and discard any purple choke.
  7. Brown the artichokes for three minutes on each side in a pan with the oil and two cloves of garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Add the washed chard and, when it begins to wilt, cover the pan with a lid.
  8. Cook for at least ten minutes.
  9. At this point, remove the lid from the pan so that the vegetation water may evaporate. Cook for another five minutes.
  10. Remove the garlic and serve when the side dish is warm.