Lazio is renowned for its artichokes. There is no spring without festivals that magnify its goodness, like that of Ladispoli.
Its cultivation has always been present, as artichokes are depicted in some frescoes in Etruscan tombs.
The artichokes used in this recipe are those of the Roman variety – “mammola”, also called “cimaroli”. They are artichokes that are harvested from the end of winter to mid-spring and have the characteristics of being free of thorns, having a round and compact shape, and tending to be purple.
They are such beautiful vegetables that they should be given in bouquets like roses!
But why is it common in Rome to refer to a fool as “artichoke”?

Giudia artichokes

  • Preparation time: 60 minutes
  • Ingredients for 6 servings
  • Difficulty: Average difficulty recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 6 violet or cimaroli artichokes
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 US quart of extra virgin olive oil for frying
  1. Instructions
  2. Wash and clean the artichokes. Remove the tough outer leaves. Clean the stem of the artichoke, eliminating the external fibers. With a digger, remove any barbs present inside.
  3. As soon as the artichoke and the stem are cleaned, dip it in lemon juice to avoid oxidation.
  4. Clean all the artichokes.
  5. In a pan with plenty of oil, start frying at a low temperature, around 325°F the artichokes and cook them on all sides. At this point, remove the artichokes and drain them on a plate with a lot of absorbent paper. With a spoon, gently open the leaves of the artichokes to form an open rose.
  6. Meanwhile, raise the temperature of the oil up to 350°F and fry the artichokes upside down again. After a few minutes, they will be crunchy.
  7. Drain them on absorbent paper and salt them.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • Generally, two pans are used – one with a low fire and one with a strong fire. For home use, given that a maximum of 6 artichokes are fried, it is advisable to do it in the same oil and in the same pan at two different moments.
  • During the first frying, you can check the cooking by inserting a toothpick at the base of the artichoke: if it enters easily, it is ready.
  • Before the second frying, sprinkle the artichoke with a little cold water and immerse them in boiling oil one at a time.