Like all my grandmother Violetta’s recipes, I had to calculate the doses because she cooked everything “by eye”. So, this is my reinterpretation of a recipe that I saw prepared, but didn’t eat as a child. Now that I’m grown up, I love it.

Peppers Stuffed with meat

  • Preparation time: 60 minutes
  • Ingredients for 3-6 servings
  • Difficulty: Average difficulty

  • Ingredients
  • 6 round red peppers
  • 1 lb. (400 grams) of minced pork
  • 4 oz (100 grams) of stale bread
  • Chopped parsley to taste
  • 4 oz (100 grams) of grated pecorino cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  1. Instructions
  2. Preheat the oven at 400° F.
  3. Cut the stale bread into cubes and soak it in water. Drain it and squeeze it well.
  4. Separately in a bowl, mix the minced meat adding: bread, pecorino cheese, and parsley. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Cut the top of the peppers and remove the white filaments and the seeds inside.
  6. Put the meat mixture inside the peppers and season with a drizzle of oil.
  7. Bake in the oven for thirty to forty minutes.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • To remove all the filaments well, I use kitchen scissors.
  • If you want an even tastier filling, you can add a sausage to the minced pork.
  • The timing of cooking in the oven is indicative because each oven is a world unto itself. However, use the grill for the last few minutes of cooking.

 Granny Violetta