Cakes Desserts Fruits Peaches, almonds and amaretti cake A perfect summer cake to serve with lots of ice cream. It’s super easy to prepare and delicious! Tips to ensure the success of the... 29 August 2022 438 by Ilaria Barisi
Side dishes Green beans with almond and garlic sauce As a child, I didn’t like garlic. Today, however, I like it a lot. My first encounter with substantial quantities of garlic was during my... 22 August 2022 487 by Ilaria Barisi
Desserts Spoon desserts Easy vanilla ice-cream cake A refreshing and delicious dessert to end a summer meal. The recipe is so simple that it makes itself! Tips to ensure the success of... 15 August 2022 251 by Ilaria Barisi
Side dishes Melanzane a funghetto: Mushroom-style eggplant This side dish is a summer classic for my family, even if it is traditionally from Campania. Eggplants can now be found all year round,... 8 August 2022 647 by Ilaria Barisi