A refreshing and delicious dessert to end a summer meal.
The recipe is so simple that it makes itself!

Easy vanilla ice-cream cake

  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Ingredients for a 22cm x 12cm plum cake pan
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • For the vanilla ice cream:
  • 5 oz (150 grams) of condensed milk
  • 9 oz (250 grams) of whipped cream
  • 1 tablespoon rum
  • For the decoration:
  • 4 oz (100 grams) of dark chocolate
  • 1 oz (30 grams) of chopped tossed hazelnuts
  1. Instructions
  2. Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie. Pour part of the melted chocolate on a sheet of parchment paper, leveling it well with a spatula in order to obtain a thin layer of chocolate that’s as thick as a sheet of paper. Put the sheet of parchment paper in the refrigerator until the cake is assembled.
  3. Whip the cream and add the condensed milk. Add the tablespoon of rum.
  4. Cover the plum cake container with clingfilm. Pour in part of the cream mixture, leveling it well. Make a layer with the chocolate sheet and sprinkle it with chopped hazelnuts. Cover with more cream mixture. Repeat the operation two more times.
  5. Finish with the cream mixture and decorate with the remaining melted chocolate and hazelnut grains.
  6. Leave in the freezer for at least eight hours before serving.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • To whip the cream without any problems, I leave the bowl in the freezer for at least thirty minutes so it is very cold.
  • The spoonful of rum helps prevent the ice cream freezing too much, leaving it creamy.
  • The chocolate must be very thin inside so that it can be easily cut.