Bases Sauces Cherry tomatoes confit In France during the Middle Ages, confit cooking was used to guarantee long-lasting preservation for some foods. This is very long, low-temperature cooking which causes... 31 July 2023 337 by Ilaria Barisi
Cakes Desserts Parfait with vanilla and raspberries: the Italian Zuccotto The first name of the Zuccotto seems to have been “Elmo di Caterina” (Catherine helm). In the mid-1500s it was a typical Florentine dessert with... 24 July 2023 422 by Ilaria Barisi
Side dishes Stewed green beans and potatoes Kids don’t like vegetables. It’s well known that green for them is like showing red to a bull. It is clear that I was a... 17 July 2023 248 by Ilaria Barisi
Appetizers Fish Second Courses Fried calamari rings and prawns In Rome, but especially on the Lazio’ coast, there is no fish restaurant that does not serve this delicacy. In Ostia and Fiumicino, there are... 10 July 2023 535 by Ilaria Barisi
Desserts Spoon desserts Coffee mousse One of the modern cakes that has given me the most satisfaction to make is a multi-layered coffee and walnut cake called “Grenoble Cake” by... 3 July 2023 299 by Ilaria Barisi