This basic preparation appears to be the result of a young apprentice chocolatier’s mistake.

The best-known versions is with dark chocolate but there are also versions with fruit or nut creams.

Their uses are manifold: creamy base for single-portion cups, filling for classic or modern cakes, macaron filling.
I saw this banana version by young Roman pastry chef Danilo Conflitti and fell in love with it. I love to pair it with ultra dark chocolate, to dilute its sweetness, or as an accompaniment to tangerine muffins, filling for chocolates or cake filling.I also tried it with salted caramel but honestly it still turns out too sweet for my taste.
An easy, delicate and fruity cream.

Banana ganache

  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • For 8 servings
  • Difficulty: Easy recipe

  • Ingredients
  • 150 gr of banana pulp (he 200 gr)
  • 100 gr of white chocolate
  • 6 gr of  gelatin
  • 30 gr of water
  • 350 gr of double cream
  1. Instructions
  2. Create the gelatin mass with warm water  and gelatin until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Melt the white chocolate in a bain-marie until it reaches a temperature of 86°F.
  4. Blend the banana with an immersion blender, add the white chocolate and continue blending. Add the gelatin mass and then, when at room temperature, the cold double cream.
  5. Blend the mixture with an immersion blender and cover with plastic wrap.
  6. Leave in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
  7. Whip with electric whips until frothy and serve.

Tips to ensure the success of the dish:

  • To avoid changing the color and flavor of the banana, do not place it in the chocolate when it is too hot.
  • If the gelatin has a hard time dissolving in the warm water, I heat it for a few seconds in the microwave.