Side dishes Carrots with thyme The “daucus carota” is a root vegetable native to Afghanistan. It became a common food in Europe starting from the Middle Ages, thanks to the... 23 February 2021 245 by Ilaria Barisi
First Courses Pastasciutta Spaghetti with oil, garlic, and chili pepper: ajo, ojo e peperoncino True comfort food in Rome is this spicy and smelly pasta that puts the stomach back in order and makes you smile again. The Roman... 9 June 2020 1.5K by Ilaria Barisi
Appetizers Fish Baby squid in tomato sauce This recipe is from a restaurateur of the Dolce Vita: Giggi Fazi. I modified it slightly from the original recipe because I eliminated the vinegar.... 14 September 2019 1.6K by Ilaria Barisi